Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Proposel For a Product Research Proposal

Marketing Proposel For a Product - Research Proposal Example The company can target especially the women and geographic markets for the product. In order to market the product, the company would have to devise certain effective implementation plans that include conducting surveys, meetings and analyzing the products of the competitors. The aforementioned strategies and the plans would ultimately support the company to effectively market the product of Special K. 2. Company Description The Kellogg Company which is prominently acknowledged as Kellogg’s or Kellogg is regarded as a multinational company that manufactures various food products such as vegetarian foods, crackers, cereal along with convenience foods and snacks among others. The official headquarter of the company is positioned in Michigan, United States. The different products of Kellogg’s are produced in 18 countries and promoted in excess of 180 nations. Kellogg’s started its production as Kellogg’s Corn Flakes in the year 1906 and significantly develope d a product line of well-known readymade cereals over the years that comprise Kellogg’s All –Bran, Complete Bran Flakes and Rice Krispies among others. It has been apparently observed that Kellogg’s arrived into the business of health food that manufactures significant number of products which are sold in different markets. Consequently, the company is earning considerable profits through its effective production as well as packaging strategy (Brown, Keegan, Vigus, and Wood, â€Å"The Kellogg Company Optimizes Production Inventory, and Distribution†). The vision of the company is to deliver quality products for making the world healthier. The main objective of the company is to provide healthy nourishment to every members of a family throughout the globe so that they can lead healthy life ahead (Kellogg Co., â€Å"Staying Focused. Going Further†). The various environmental initiatives as well as focusing upon different sustainability aspects ultima tely supported the organization to attain success in this competitive marketplace (Michman & Mazze 127). 3. Environmental Analysis Political The production of agricultural products provides certain risks and uncertainties for the organizations intending to sustain in this competitive financial market. . Kellogg’s efficiently performs its business operations in different regions throughout the globe. It has been observed that varied government policies as well as regulations imposed unfavorable impact upon the company that ultimately affected its decision-making procedure by a significant level. The production, marketing and distribution of the food products that are exposed to governmental regulations are increasingly becoming complex day by day. Apart from the dissimilar governmental policies and regulations, certain other factors within the political context such as licensing requirements, trade as well as pricing practices and environmental factors also laid significant im pact upon the operations of the company. Moreover, the increment in tariff rates comprising value added taxes also had an immediate effect upon the business operations of the company (Kellogg Company, â€Å"Risk Factors†). Economic It has been viewed that McDonald’s performs its operational functions in different regions throughout the globe. The company fixes the prices of its products by taking into concern the economic situation of the countries where it operates.

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