Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender Discrimination Essay

How can you balance work and having a life? Balancing work and life you have to build downtime into your schedule. Make a point to spend time with family and friends. Set up activities that everyone can do and you can combine the two. Set goals, plan and organize what should come first. Having your goals set is much easier than to just go day to day. Work/Life balance is all about flexibility, but to have flexibility you need a support system around you. Both at work and at home. If you don’t have the support it’s harder to deal. Having structure is important because it brings certainty into your world. Without structure life is a bit more chaotic. You then find that you use both physical and emotional energy to bring meaning and clarity to different situations. A good way to improve on your skills is to write things down. It may help you balance out your day, week, or even a whole month. Manage is a world which comes from experience. There are people who took things as they come and manage them accordingly. It is a will power and self-confidence which play a dice game here. Considering women are good managers when they balanced office and home life. Women have a lot going on when it comes to life period. In a large majority of families with children, both parents work, and women now hold half of all jobs. Majority of the time women do more of home caregiving then men. Some men think longs as they bring home the bacon that’s all they need to do. Not at all, women work 40 hours a week, have to get kids ready for school, cook, clean, ECT. In my case school to for the adult and I’m a single parent. It’s so many issues and that alone can cause tension in your  relationship. Many women assume that the men in their lives pick up signals and hints about stuff like needing help at the house, and many men (not all, but honestly most that I’ve had any kind of close relationship with) just aren’t good with those signals. I suppose it’s a classic issue within genders as well; it seems like many people assume that they’re sending out all kinds of signals to their boss that they want to move up, or have too big a workload, or whatever, those signals aren’t getting picked up on their end, and then we just get more and more frustrated! This should help people get a better understanding of working out your life and work life so that they both can balance. Everyone’s situation is different but it’ll all come together if you prioritize your life balance. Many people are able to accommodate work and home. You can solve your work life problem if your home life is up to par. Pat Katepoo, Founder, Year Published: 2008 Melanie Hawks is the Learning and Development Coordinator at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Singin’ in the Rain Analysis

Singin’ In the Rain Music Analysis Singin’ In The Rain (Kelly/Donan, 1952) is known to be one of best musicals ever made and one of the funniest movies of its time. This statistic can be attributed to the musical numbers that it incorporates. Singin’ in the Rain uses popular music of its time that people may already be familiar with. It works to seamlessly integrate them into a musical about the transition of film from silent to talkies. Additionally, the film is able to utilize them in such a way that every single song contributes to the overall effect of the film in some way.Each song either pushes and develops the film’s conflicts or establishes one of the protagonists’ goals or interests; they use deception of sound or visual presentation like dance to support them. The first number that stands out in the film is the song shown during Don’s interview in which he talks about his road to success in Hollywood. Although he speaks about attend ing school and performing for the best, visually the song depicts Don and Cosmo doing a dance and fiddle performance for an underwhelmed crowd. Even though they show obvious expertise, the audience clearly do not think very much of the performers when they finish.Don’s uphill climb is hardly the glorious journey that he is describing it as. The music not only shows a disjoint between the narrations and actions, but also introduces us to Don’s point of view and the deceptiveness of his Hollywood career in comparison to his real life. This whole sequence helps the film get across to the viewer Don’s character, showing us his interest in falsifying his life in order to stay at the pinnacle of pop culture. A second piece with similar intentions is when Lina sings â€Å"Singin’ in the Rain† towards the end of the movie.This is a crucial point in the movie because Lina feels that she feels that she has the company at her feet. Of course, it is actually K athy behind the curtains singing while Lina is mouthing the lyrics on stage. The audience see Linda singing, but hear Kathy’s voice. This scene presents the primary conflict of Lina clashing with Kathy while again utilizing sound deception. Another number that stands out is the first rendition of the title song, â€Å"Singin’ in the Rain. † Don and Kathy had just decided to turn The Dueling Cavalier into a musical, and when Don leaves her apartment, he begins to sing.This number shows us that he has fallen in love with Kathy and, as he dances and sings loudly through the streets, that he intends for everyone to know. He feels jovial about his situation even though it would likely destroy his reputation if people found out that Don and Lina are no longer â€Å"household names† like â€Å"bread and butter. † This number not only shows us his interest in a relationship with Kathy, but also introduces Don's newly found conflict to the viewers. Finally, the musical sequence in the very last scene during which Don sings, â€Å"You are my Lucky Star† is an effective one.As the very end of a Hollywood movie, this song has the responsibility of wrapping the conflict up while also getting Don and Kathy together, which is exactly what it does. Don exclaims Kathy as the real star of The Dueling Cavalier, and just as she realizes what he had done for her, he begins to sing to her. The song does a great job of showing their deep love for each other and also resolving all loose ends; by showing Kathy’s point of view with her acceptance of Don’s actions, and the revelation to the masses of their love for each other, it provides an apt ending to a movie for the ages.From start to finish, the music in â€Å"Singin’ In the Rain† does an outstanding job of merging with the film, even though most of them already existed before the film was created. They empower the film to carry emotion and advance easily, while also allowing the film to remain light and comical. Pieces play with deception and manipulation of sound, while others leave you in awe with their complex dance performances. Each musical number in Singin’ In The Rain plays a unique and crucial role, and it is because of them that this film has become one of the most widely renowned in American history.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Retirement Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Retirement Planning - Assignment Example My plan is to work in the private industry for 40 years to then retire. Retirement is very important because it represents the golden years of a person’s life. People expect to enjoy retirement with their love ones. In order to truly enjoy retirement it is important to be financially independent. I will graduate at 25 years of age. The average salary I expect to earn during my career will be approximately $50,000. A retirement calculator on the CNN Money website was used to estimate my retirement goal. My retirement goal is to save $500,000. My expected retirement age is 65 years of age. I estimated my life expectance at 78 years since that is the average life expectancy in the United States (CultureGrams, 2012). My expected pension income and social security income are $1000 each. Based on these variables the retirement calculator gave the following output. Your Results You will need a total of $1.7 million ($496,418 in today's dollars) to retire at 65 years old (Cnn, 2012). The second tool available at the CNN website was an asset allocation display. I stated that I needed the money in 20+ years. I selected that I was willing to take a reasonable amount of risk. I stated I could not afford to miss my target and during market sell-offs I see an opportunity to buy more stock. The result of the calculator is illustrated below: Suggested allocation: (Cnn, 2012). The suggested allocation provided by the CNN calculator provides a list of potential allocation of assets. My plan to save $500,000 by retirement age can be achieved if I implement a proactive saving strategy that uses a wide arrangement of investment and retirement tools. Three retirement instruments that I plan of use as part of my diversified portfolio are IRA, Roth IRA, and 401k plans. An IRA is a retirement savings account that allows taxpayer to save money without paying taxes for the income placed in the IRA account. Money placed in an IRA account accumulates interests every year. The money cannot be taken out of the IRA account until retirement age reaches. Bottom of Form A Roth IRA is, â€Å"An individual retirement plan that bears many similarities to the traditional IRA, but  contributions are not tax deductible and qualified distributions are tax free† (Investopedia, 2012). A 401k plan is a company sponsored retirement plan that allows individuals to set aside tax-deferred income towards retirement. There are other financial instruments that can be used to save money towards retirement. One of the most popular forms of investments is common stocks. Common stocks give investors ownership in a publicly traded company. The investors that keep stocks for a long time earn dividends from common stock as well as a capital gain once the investment is sold. The safest type of stock that an investor can choose is blue chip stocks. A blue chip stock is a stock issued by a well known company with an established record of making money and paying dividends (Teweles, Br adley, Teweles, 1992). An example of a blue chip stock is Microsoft. Due to the risk associated with penny stocks and foreign stocks I will stay away from these two types of stocks in order to minimize the risk of the portfolio. Another good investment instrument that is often chosen by investors is corporate bonds. Corporate bonds pay the investor the coupon rate on a yearly or biannual basis. The principal of the bond is paid at maturity age. Most bonds are of $1000 denominations. A portion of my retirement

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethical Dilema Drug Tesing in Nigeria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Dilema Drug Tesing in Nigeria - Essay Example There was evidence that using Trovan could lead to problems with joints, tendons and bones, and even perhaps cause liver damage. Led by Scott Hopkins, the team developing Trovan were anxious to carry out controlled clinical trials of the drug on children, in order to conclude whether it could safely be marketed as a treatment for diseases in children. While they believed that further refinement of the drug would make it much safer for children, they would need firm evidence in order to obtain approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for it to be marketed. At around the same time, in February 1996, there was a serious outbreak of meningitis in the area around Kano, a major city in northern Nigeria. Soon, over a hundred children were being brought to the basic local hospitals every day, and by March 3, 1,273 deaths had been reported, with some accounts putting the total at closer to 10,000 (Spar and Day, 2006, p.11). As most of the children infected with menin gitis would certainly die if given no treatment, Hopkins looked upon the outbreak as ‘a unique opportunity to test Trovan pills on children’, and ‘since Nigeria had both a raging epidemic and a distinct absence of personal injury lawyers, a drug trial there would be far more efficient’ than in the United States (Spar and Day, 2006, p.2). Meningitis outbreaks are fairly common across a large area of sub Saharan Africa during the dry season, when cold weather, malnutrition, and urban overcrowding can lead to the disease spreading rapidly among children. Epidemics of meningitis are caused by a particular strain of the bacteria, and the Trovan researchers had reason to believe, after extensive testing, that their new drug would be effective against that strain. It is worth understanding the processes which a drugs company needs to complete if it intends to market a drug in the United States, because, as we will see, it is questionable whether the situation at K ano provided an opportunity to carry out a satisfactory trial of Trovan on children. When a new compound is being developed, the pharmaceutical company responsible for it lodges an investigational new drug application, or IND, with the FDA. Having obtained this, the company is authorised to begin conducting clinical tests, which may be rolled out to many scenarios and over thousands of patients before a drug seeks FDA approval to be marketed. While such approval is sought within the United States, or from the appropriate authorities in other countries, it does not preclude a pharmaceutical company from carrying out clinical trials overseas. Indeed, it is even possible for a drugs company to conduct all of their clinical testing overseas, and only when the research gathered has shown the drug to be both safe and effective, for it to be submitted to the FDA for approval. In the case of Trovan, the new drug already had an IND, had already been subject to extensive clinical trials withi n the US, and so the team developing it were perfectly entitled to add a trial in Kano to its IND, or, alternatively, to carry out the tests in Nigeria and, if the results were positive, submit this data to the FDA subsequently. Pfizer would also have to meet some conditions under Nigerian law

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Uni 1 DB SA Second Week Essay

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Uni 1 DB SA Second Week - Essay Example ention costs the hotel should capitalize on training staff on using the hotel system reducing lead times, check in and out process times making the hotel efficient. For internal failure costs the hotel should ensure all the room services have met the quality requirements and are readily available at customer change requests. This effectively reduces lead time process and reduces time during change requests process. For external costs the hotel should ensure the all the services are available at check- in and out times. To determine the cost of quality for Hotel Escargo it’s important to use the metrics such check in and out times, change request process times and customer satisfaction. Examples of cost of quality under appraisal include a suggestion box cost for customers to give feedback on services received. For prevention costs include training and education of staff for technical use of hotel systems (Shelton, 2014). For internal failure costs include equipment and system failure costs to meet systems failures effectively. For external cost include complaints cost to timely deal with customer

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

River Plate Trust, Loan & Agency Company Ltd Essay

River Plate Trust, Loan & Agency Company Ltd - Essay Example The operation of the companies in the region suffered a setback in the period when the financial crisis of 1930 was felt; however, some companies strived strove to become international firms. One of the companies formed by the Morrison Group in the River plate region was the River Plate Trust, Loan, and Agency (RPTLA), which was formed for in 1881 for three main reasons. The first reason for the formation of the firm was the acquisition of assets as a trust. This was accomplished by the acquisition of the assets of the Mercantile Bank of the River Plate, and the second reason was the provision of loan facilities to the people in the region. This was done through the lending of money in form of mortgages in Argentina and Uruguay, and among the last reasons was the performing of financial agency duties for individuals and firms in the River Plate Region. Another reason for the formation of the firm was the motivation to invest in the mortgage business in the River Plate Region, and the expected high economic growth of the region. The previous occupations of the major stakeholders in the firm were also a big factor in the formation of the RPTLA. ... RPTLA was founded by seven members, John Gorst, Sidney Herbert, Frederick Fearon, Cornelius Cox, Edward Ashworth, Edward Griggs and John Taylor, who went on to become the first board members of the new company. These seven individuals were mostly stakeholders in the Mercantile Bank, either as shareholders, board members, or liquidators, and the rest of the board members were related to the bank in some way. For example, one of the shareholders, Leon Isaac, was part of the family that owned most of the Mercantile Bank. Some other members were politicians, while others were directors of other financial institutions. One example of a director is Griggs, who was a major director in the now defunct Trust and Loan Company of Canada, while some other members were business people and merchants. The similarity of these individuals was drawn around financial institutions, since they were either members of the fallen Mercantile Bank, or former members of other financial institutions in the regi on. The social system in place at the time indicated that the first directors of the RPTLA were in social class 1 and 2, which was reserved for professionals, gentry, and major businesspeople. A year after the formation of the RPTLA, a former senior partner at Ashurst, Morris and Company, John Morris, was appointed as the new Chairman and Managing director of the RPTLA (Slinn, 1997). Under the administration of Morris, the organizational structure of the company was reformed, and the principles that he placed in place guided the company through its entire lifetime. As previously stated, the members of the board of RPTLA were in some way related to the Mercantile Bank, and Morris was no exception, since he was in charge of the law firm that liquidated the bank. This indicates that the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Multicultrual Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multicultrual Teaching - Essay Example This is because those who are recognized as the minorities within the nation have far exceeded the once perceived majority of the whites. For example: during the period of 2006, around four states of United States were experience a majority of the minority population including the 75% of the minority that that were residing in the area of Hawai’I (Landis, 2012, p.22). Due to this change in the structure of the population, organizations from different industries need to accept diversity in order to operate successfully and benefit from elements that come with such a diverse population size. Multicultural societies experience immense challenges and these challenges are even experienced by teachers in the educational institutes of United States. Teachers in these educational institutes need to be culturally competent in order to cater to the needs of a diverse population of student. Cultural competency refers to an individual’s ability to deal with people from different cultures. In order to become culturally competent, teachers in the United States need to undergo training and develop knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary to teach a multicultural class room. Culturally competent teachers are those who realize the differences in cultures of students and then design their teaching patterns accordingly to help students from different backgrounds in gaining better understanding of what is being taught. They need to accept and respect the differences among these students in order to provide them with facilities which help them learn. In order to teach a multicultural classroom, teachers need to implement various strategies in order to remove the barriers created by multiculturalism and to promote learning and development of all at the same time. In order to teach a multicultural classroom, teachers need to provide team based assignments comprising of team members

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Proposel For a Product Research Proposal

Marketing Proposel For a Product - Research Proposal Example The company can target especially the women and geographic markets for the product. In order to market the product, the company would have to devise certain effective implementation plans that include conducting surveys, meetings and analyzing the products of the competitors. The aforementioned strategies and the plans would ultimately support the company to effectively market the product of Special K. 2. Company Description The Kellogg Company which is prominently acknowledged as Kellogg’s or Kellogg is regarded as a multinational company that manufactures various food products such as vegetarian foods, crackers, cereal along with convenience foods and snacks among others. The official headquarter of the company is positioned in Michigan, United States. The different products of Kellogg’s are produced in 18 countries and promoted in excess of 180 nations. Kellogg’s started its production as Kellogg’s Corn Flakes in the year 1906 and significantly develope d a product line of well-known readymade cereals over the years that comprise Kellogg’s All –Bran, Complete Bran Flakes and Rice Krispies among others. It has been apparently observed that Kellogg’s arrived into the business of health food that manufactures significant number of products which are sold in different markets. Consequently, the company is earning considerable profits through its effective production as well as packaging strategy (Brown, Keegan, Vigus, and Wood, â€Å"The Kellogg Company Optimizes Production Inventory, and Distribution†). The vision of the company is to deliver quality products for making the world healthier. The main objective of the company is to provide healthy nourishment to every members of a family throughout the globe so that they can lead healthy life ahead (Kellogg Co., â€Å"Staying Focused. Going Further†). The various environmental initiatives as well as focusing upon different sustainability aspects ultima tely supported the organization to attain success in this competitive marketplace (Michman & Mazze 127). 3. Environmental Analysis Political The production of agricultural products provides certain risks and uncertainties for the organizations intending to sustain in this competitive financial market. . Kellogg’s efficiently performs its business operations in different regions throughout the globe. It has been observed that varied government policies as well as regulations imposed unfavorable impact upon the company that ultimately affected its decision-making procedure by a significant level. The production, marketing and distribution of the food products that are exposed to governmental regulations are increasingly becoming complex day by day. Apart from the dissimilar governmental policies and regulations, certain other factors within the political context such as licensing requirements, trade as well as pricing practices and environmental factors also laid significant im pact upon the operations of the company. Moreover, the increment in tariff rates comprising value added taxes also had an immediate effect upon the business operations of the company (Kellogg Company, â€Å"Risk Factors†). Economic It has been viewed that McDonald’s performs its operational functions in different regions throughout the globe. The company fixes the prices of its products by taking into concern the economic situation of the countries where it operates.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The factors that affect success in learning English as a second Essay

The factors that affect success in learning English as a second language - Essay Example Though many ESL teachers may be fluent in several languages besides English, they generally aren't fluent in all of them, and the language background of an ESL class can be diverse. Therefore, explanations usually must be made in basic English, teaching the child or adult at first in simple ways with a lot of demonstration, pictures, and repetition, to understand English, to read it, and to speak it." (Ellis-Christensen. n.d.). It is doubly important for ESL teachers to have considerable mastery of the English language so that they will be able to meet the required standards necessary to impart the best knowledge to their students, especially as their classes advance into grammar discussions. ESL teachers should be able to focus on the most common problems of ESL students so as to help them more effectively and guide them on how to speak and write fluent English. As ESL teachers take up advanced studies, they learn some of the more common mistakes expected from certain language groups such as the tendency for many Asian languages to omit the pluralization of word endings. Some language groups don't need a specific order in sentences, Ms. Ellis-Christensen relates. Most students are even unfamiliar with the English alphabet. Therefore, it is important that ESL teachers are flexible, have considerable expertise in teaching the English language, and are quick to adapt to the learning styles of their students (Ellis-Christensen. n.d.). ESL teachers must continue to strive to learn more English teaching skills. The British Council (, claims that "UK training providers offer a range of high-quality pre-service and in-service qualifications for English language teachers, as well as many degree-level and short courses on aspects of English language teaching." Basic skills training are offered for trainee teachers, teachers in the early years of their career, or experienced teachers who are beginning to teach English. Developing skills are offered to more experienced English teachers while Specialist skills are made available for highly experienced teachers who are taking on more specialist, expert roles (The British Council. n.d.). It is obviously important for teachers to have a certain degree of skills in terms of mastery of teaching the English language, especially when it comes to dealing with students who do not speak English as their first language. Teachers need to come up with creative lesson plans that will not only make it easier for their students to grasp the many nuances of the English language but also make learning an interesting experience for them. Teaching Strategies Mr. Kenneth Beare from sums up the best English language teaching strategies in three very practical ways (Beare. n.d.). His first advice is to "keep it simple." He says, "One problem that teachers often encounter is that of trying to do too much, too quickly;" and that "the best way to approach teaching is to choose just one use or function, and focus on that specific point." Mr. Beare's next advice is to "slow down and use easy vocabulary." He explains, "Native speakers are often not aware of how quickly they speak. Most teachers need to make a conscious effort to slow down when speaking. Perhaps more importantly, you need to become aware of the type of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The True Meaning of Life Essay Example for Free

The True Meaning of Life Essay What is the meaning of life? Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. After giving these ideas lots of thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex than either of these; far too complex for any human to fully comprehend. In fact these two different philosophies are only part of the grand picture. If it were that easy for men to figure out our lives wouldnt be so messed up now. The meaning of life revolves around many different things. I think these things include: self-understanding, development of mind and soul, and an afterlife. According to Epicurus, pleasure was the meaning of life. His ideas of life were completely opposite of Plato. Epicurus, in my opinion was a little bit niave and narrow minded in his view on the subject. He would say that the meaning of likfe was to experience pleasure until the end of your existence. He did not believe in an afterlife or that a person had a soul that lived forever. He just thought when you are gone thats it. I disagree with all of that because I have many religious beliefs from which I derive the meaning of life. One of these beliefs is that there is life after death, and that there is one supreme being of the universe. This goes back to Aristotles first mover theory. I would however agree that life is a balancing act between pain and pleasure; or good and evil. You cant have one without the other. For every thing in existence there is always something of opposition. Another ancient Greek philosopher was Socrates. Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. I agree with this in a sense that if you cant look back at your life and be proud of your accomplishments, then everything that you ever did was in vain. You have to be able to look at the mistakes you have made and be able to learn from that or you are doomed to repeat those mistakes. Maybe on a deeper level Socrates might have been talking about analyizing the purpose of ones life. This in my opinion is just as important. I feel that in order for me to succeed in life I have to at least examine the meaning of my being. I believe that it comes to a point in every persons life where they sit back and think why am I here? Whether it happens often or not, I wouldnt believe any person of sane health that said they never once thought about it. Socrates also said that the good of life is knowledge. He believed in a higher good in life that could be achieved through an endless search for knowledge. His definition of higher good was when virtue and knowledge united. Although I agree that what Socrates speaks of is an important part of living, I would not go so far as to say it is the reason for liveing. I say this partially because of my definition of knowledge. I see knowledge not as just to be found in the universe, but in a way created by humans not unlike myself. Many things that are classified as knowledge such as: language, mathematics, and history are all human created. Our language was created by people in earlier civilizations, as well as mathematics. History is the story of these early people and civilizations. Should I assume that my reason for living is to learn of someone elses life? If so, what was that persons meaning for living? Undoubtitly these things are of tremendous value to our civilization and how we live. But I ask myself once again how does it relate to why we live. As far as Socrates belief in a higher good, I agree 100%. I honestly believe that there is a higher good that can be achieved but not just through the search of knowledge. My theory of how higher good can be achieved is that a person must fully understand themself. That is when a person is able to recognize their potentiol and develop it. They also have to be able to relinquish any doubt they have about themself. One must commit to their spirituallity. Finally they have to become physically stronger. Not meant to offend anyone, but the highest good to me, is the best that you can be. A weak body is vulnerable and doesnt complete a person as a whole. An interesting connection to that is how it is said that humans only use a small fraction of their brain. I believe when someone can tap into the rest of their brain, they will be close to if not at their highest good. Last but not least we have the philosopher Plato, who was the pupil of Socrates. Therefore many of their ideas are similar if not identical. Plato also believed that knowledge was the most essential part of life. He thought that learning and knowing the truth was the only way to achieve perfection, and striving for perfection was the goal of life. I believe Plato may have been on to something. I have made it in one of my personnal philosophies in life to strive for perfection. Although deep in the back of my mind I know it is unattainable I still try like it is. This reminds me of a quote that I read that said aim for the moon, fore even if you miss you will land among the stars. I just means to improve you have to set your standards high. Once again that is only part of the bigger picture that is called life. Striving for wholeness and perfection, as I perceive are mere steps to achieving a higher good, and therefore are not the cumulative meaning of life. Plato was probaby the philosopher I most agree with. He also believed in an after life and preparation for it. But I dont particularly agree with him when he say that a higher good could only be accomplished by giving up all pleasure. Obviously there has to be some sacrifice, but to give up all pleasure would be to give up on what you are trying to accomplish. I think of pleasure as one of the most powerful motivating forces ikn life. Whether it be intellectual of physical a person has to be able to enjoy what they are doing to excel above and beyond. Even Plato had to in some way had to enjoy philosophizing or he probably wouldnt do it. It is now evident that the meaning of life has to far more complex for any one person to fully understand. All these ideas of these different philosophers are not necessarily inaccurate, just incomplete. All peices to a puzzle that I have no way of fully figuring out. Socrates spoke of a higher good to be achieved. Nobody has seemed to accomplish this yet in life. There are so many obstacles that we face as we try to achieve a higher good. Many of these are based in the fact that we are human beings, and because of that are flawed by the ways of our culture. Things such as self-doubt, worry, ignorance, and the values put into our heads since the day we were born all are road blocks on our way to a higher level. Also being human beings makes vulnerable to the ways of the world around us, so it is not easy to block these things out of our lives. In a summary I believe this life to be stage in which we are to develop our minds, bodies, and souls to their highest potential in preparation for the afterlife. A person living by this philosophy would probably become a genius or great thinker. But like Eupicures, Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato I could only form my own opinions of the subject. There isnt anyway for me to figure out whether I am right or wrong. Only God could ever really know the true meaning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Passive Ventilation of Modern and Traditional Malay Houses

Passive Ventilation of Modern and Traditional Malay Houses Comparing the Passive Ventilation Style of Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort With the Common Traditional Malay House in Malaysia. ABSTRACT The objectives of the research is to compare the passive ventilation style of Modern Malay  House in Belum Rainforest Resort with the common Traditional Malay House in Malaysia. The  research questions are what are the comparison of passive ventilation in Modern Malay House  in Belum with the common Traditional Malay House. Secondly. how does the orientation of  building affect the passive ventilation. Finally. How does the the passive ventilation system  works for Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort and Common Traditional Malay  House in Malaysia. These are the list of methodology that being used to help my research. Site  observation at Belum Rainforest Resort. internet research. articles and books. My analysis of  methodology is by studying and comparing the details of these two houses that are related to  the passive ventilation. The result is i found that Modern Malay House in Belum is lack of  details that contribute to passive ventilation system. Common Traditional Malay house is still  the best since it gives spotlight more on the passive ventilation. In a nutshell. house that focus  more on the passive ventilation are much better since it reduce the humidity and produces a  good thermal comfort in a building. In future. i hope that people will design buildings that  concentrate more on the passive ventilation rather than design. 1.0 INTRODUCTION What is Architecture ? The definition of Architecture is the art or practice of designing and  constructing buildings. Architects are the one who runs the world. They create an enjoyment  story in every building that they design so that the world would not be as boring as it is. When it  comes to architecture world it is super wide and it consist of many different styles and  techniques. Every country have their own styles of designing to express their country ‘s  uniqueness. One of the best design in the world is the building that meet the need and pretty  much response to the climate. Also. It needs to know about the microclimates and the climate  zone. know the basic physiology of human thermal comfort. reduce the loads and enhance  visual comfort by controlling the sun. Thermal mass are used to improved the comfort efficiency  and to pick a space-conditioning strategies that are climatic responsive. Vernacular architecture  is one of the architecture sty le that take seriously on all of this criteria when designing a building. Vernacular Architecture is being refer as a traditional buildings that are designed to meet  the local climate and culture. They design with using a deep understanding together with a  respect towards the nature. Vernacular architecture can be called as a sustainable architecture  as well since it are also built to sustain the environment without destroying it. Vernacular  architecture tends to evolve time after time to reflect the technological. reflect the historical  context in which it exist. reflect the cultural and also reflect the environment. This style of  architecture used the local resources and available energy and materials. so it can refer  accordingly to the climate. site and culture. The most common basic function in vernacular  architecture is to shield and protect from the weather conditions. Passive cooling system can not be separate from the vernacular architecture as they are  greatly related together. Passive cooling is a building design approach that targets on the heat  gain control and heat dissipation in a building in order to improve the indoor thermal comfort  with lower or zero energy usage. A good orientation of a building. proper design layout and  system used in a building will allow the passive ventilation system be in the building. Ventilation  is the main criteria in passive cooling system as it is the one that move the air from outside  building to the inside so that it can improve the thermal comfort of a building. And my case  study is to compare the passive ventilation of Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort ,  Perak with a common Traditional Malay House in Malaysia. 2.0 An Overview of the Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort. Perak. Malaysia As stated on Malaysia’s online website. Malaysia is a country that being classified as  a country that have a hot climate and humid tropical climate with all months above 18 degree  Celcius. Belum Rainforest Resort is the place which I picked for my case study. Belum  Rainforest Resort is located on the northern part of Malaysia and just below the boundary of the  other country which is Thailand. Belum Rainforest Resort is located in the middle of  jungle which is surrounded by the water element from the Lake of Banding or Tasik Banding. This make the place a great become as a great place for the passive cooling design. Extracted from The Malay House in Belum was design to be modern but yet still maintaining the basic  element of Traditional Malay House. The photo below is one of the Modern Malay House in  Belum Rainforest Resort. Extracted from The similarity of this modern malay house with the traditional malay house in Malaysia is they  used completely 100 per cent wood as the main material for construction. 3.0– What are the Comparison of Passive Ventilation on the Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort with Common Traditional Malay House in Malaysia ? A traditional Malay House produce the ventilation by applying many of full length  windows and doors at the body level. ( Yuan, 1987: 76 ). Hassan and Ramli ( 2010 )  conclude that Huge openings on Malay house walls produce high air intakes outside to  lowering the performance of stack effect. The below diagram stated clearly that. most of the  outdoor and indoor temperatures were higher than 28 degree Celcius with the humidity level  in the house is higher than 60 per cent and the wind speed in Malay house flow in about 0.3  m / s to 3.4 m / s. Extracted from standard_18.html There are several comparison that can be found in Modern Malay House in Belum  Rainforest Resort. The Modern Malay House in Belum were design using a timber  construction. Most of the timber construction are not solid if to compare to a concrete  construction due to being build piece by piece. Since it is build piece by piece so it will  have a small gaps between a piece and a piece of wood. This small gaps is one of the  strategy in passive cooling system. The function of the small gaps is to allow the movement  of air into the house so that it could ventilate and automatically improve the indoor  environmental quality. Most of the traditional malay house have this thing but if to compare  to the modern side of malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort. it does not have this thing. It  does not have small gaps on the wall and floor. the small gaps only can be seen on the  outside of the house which is on the balcony’s floor. This is not good since it blocks t he air  from entering into the house. The unique thing about the Malay house is that it is built on  stilts. This approach in many ways has several benefits from a thermal, functional and safety  point of view. The raised floor, which is built higher than the ground, can catch winds of a  higher velocity ( Yuan. 1987 : 71 ). and the use of timber planks for the floor, which have  gaps between them, can bring the air into the inner space. The Balcony area that contain small gaps for air ventilation purpose. The inner side of the building which does not contain any floor gaps and wall gaps. Other than that. during my site observation I found that there is no ventilation through  roof joint that can be found in the house. This ventilation through roof joint also contribute  in Passive Cooling Design. It makes the house produce a large movement of air into the  building through the roof joint. Traditional Malay House really focus on the opening so that  they can have a good thermal comfort without producing energy that we do not need such as  electricity. Also. without opening through the roof joint the stack ventilation system will  obviously not happen. Extracted from How does the Passive   Ventilation   System Works for Modern Malay   house in Malaysia and Common  Traditional Malay House in   Malaysia ? Extracted from The floor plan above shows the floor plan of the Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest  Resort. Common Traditional Malay House Floor Plan Extracted from Both Modern Malay House and Traditional Malay House are randomly arranged. This is  to ensure that the wind velocity in the houses in the latter path of the wind will not  substantially being reduced. Stack ventilation is the flow of air from outside which enter into the  building and goes out from the upper side of a the building. Stack ventilation use different  temperature to move the air. Hot air increases due to the lower pressure occur. It is sometimes  being called as a buoyancy ventilation. The below diagram shows how the stack ventilation  basically works. Extracted from Stack ventilation is one of the unique ventilation system that happen in a traditional malay  house. Based on my observation on the modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort. I  found that there is no stack ventilation happens on this house since there is no opening through  the roof joint for the air to go out. The other problem is this house does lifted up a bit by the  stilt but the other problem is that there is no floor gaps for the air to come in from below. This  modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort does not have the stack ventilation effect   compare to the original traditional malay house. The traditional malay house use the stack  ventilation effect to cool the inner side of the house. Stack ventilation makes the movement of  the air flow and enter from the opening on the downside and the side of the house. Then the air  slowly transfer to the upper side of the house and goes out through the openings on the roof  joint. Extracted from Even the modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort does not use the stack  ventilation system. they use the other system of ventilation which is the cross ventilation system  . Cross ventilation system is obtain when there is windows on the both sides of the room. This  caused the air to flow across the space. Since the wind comes the most on the side of the  building. Openings on the sideway really helps the modern malay house in Belum Rainforest  Resort to give a better thermal comfort. The cross ventilation system is good since it reducing  the energy consumption in a building. The below diagram shows the cross ventilation system  that happens on modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort. The arrows on the diagram above shows the air movement that flows into the house. Other than that ,the unplanned arrangement of the Traditional Malay House is really  important as it gives contribution in reducing the risk of the strong winds. ( Hanafi. 1994 ). Settlements that are along the coastal areas experience great wind speed than the inland  religions. ( Hanafi. 1994 ) Traditional Malay House are usually detached and it dispersed the  units with ample external space. This is to allow the fresh air circulation occurs in the building. (Hanafi. 1994 ). Extracted from Extracted from,101.341145,187m/data=!3m1!1e3 Photo above is the rough arrangement of modern malay house in Belum Rainforest  Resort. The arrangement are based on the linear concept and which it is applying the same  concept as the traditional malay house in Malaysia. How does the orientation of the  building affect the passive  ventilation? Building orientation are really important in malay traditional house. For religious  reasons. most traditional Malay houses are oriented to face Mecca(east west direction) ,  which indirectly minimizes the area of exposed walls to direct solar radiation during theday  (Yuan. 2011). The building orientation also does help in providing good sun shading. and  also a good ventilation system. Normally. the Malay Kampong House will be orientate  according to the east – west orientation. This orientation function as letting you to harness  the daylight and take control of the glare along the long faà §ade of the building. It will reduce  the glare from the setting sun or even from the rising sun. One more reason on why east –  west orientation is the best orientation is because of it ensures the building to get a better  thermal comfort. The photo below show that the not so accurate wind diagram that being  taken from the Extracted from Based on my research study I found that most of the wind comes from the Northwest and  Northeast side. There is least air comes from the northern and the southern side. This  orientation system works pretty well since the modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort  are orientated using the east west orientation. The window on the modern malay house in  Belum Rainforest Resort that located on the side of the house is openable so this can make the  wind to flow into the building and circulate in good way. The below photo shows the orientation  of the modern malay house in Belum Rainforest Resort. Extracted from,101.341145,187m/data=!3m1!1e3 Building that are surrounded by the water element are good for passive cooling design. What I found is Belum Rainforest Resort is surrounded by a big lake which is the Tasik Banding  . This Tasik banding contribute pretty well in making the house cooler and achieve the correct  standard of thermal comfort. The wind which flow from the Northwest side brings the cool air  from the lake and directly enter the building. – Conclusion In a nutshell. Malaysia is a country that are meant to be as a hot climate  country with a high humidity level. Houses in Malaysia that will be design or already  been designed by people need to follow the Malaysia ‘ s climate to achieve a good  thermal comfort. Modern Malay House in Belum Rainforest Resort are lack of the  original features that suppose to have in every Traditional Malay House. People that  design the malay house in Belum are not concentrating on the features anymore. in  fact they are more in terms of creating a new building with using a different way to  achieve the thermal comfort. The house might look like a malay traditional house  when you look it from the farthest distance. but it is totally different when you come  closer and study about the details of the house. Modern Malay House in Belum are  lack in terms of passive ventilation contribution. The house pretty much does not  apply the basic elements of a traditional malay house which is to have the wall gaps  and small gaps between the timber for the air to move into the building. This is such  a waste since this small features is actually really make the building to achieve a very  good environmental indoor quality. The ventilation through the roof joint also is a  good thing when it comes to express the stack ventilation system. Since traditional  malay house don’t use the electricity more often than a normal building. this stack  ventilation really works in every traditional malay house because it reduce the energy  consumption and automatically reduce the living cost. Also. stack ventilation  makes the traditional malay house to get a maximum ventilation from almost every  side of the house which the wind are basically come from the bottom. middle and  even from the upper side of the house. Other than that. the layout arrangement in  malay house will contribute in making the place become more comfortable. Layout  arrangem ent is one of the criteria in vernacular architecture. this layout arrangement  will contribute on the flow of the wind. Last but not least it is important as well to  orientate the building in a proper direction. The proper building orientation will make  the building to receive a good sun shading device. better air ventilation system so  that the building would not be hotter on the inside.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing Male Dominance in Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Em

Support of Male Dominance in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma  Ã‚   While there is no shortage of male opinions concerning the role of females, which usually approve of male dominance, there is a lack of women expressing views on their forced subservience to men. This past subordination is the very reason there were so few females who plainly spoke out against their position, and the search for females expressing the desire for independence necessarily extends to the few historical works by women that do exist. Jane Austen is a well-known female author, and it is natural that her novels would be studied in an attempt to find a covert feminist voice. However, though certain feminist elements may exist, one common theme found throughout the novels Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma, makes it impossible to label these works as completely supporting feminism. The idea that women should not be allowed to have power, should be controlled by men, and that males should use their power to the fullest extent is inescapable. This idea is raised repea tedly throughout these novels. One aspect of this theme expresses the belief that women should not have power since it causes women to corrupt themselves and harm those around them. In Pride and Prejudice, Mrs. Bennet and Lady Catherine are prime examples of why women should not be allowed to have control. Though she is not the head of the household, Mrs. Bennet does have control because her husband would rather watch than participate in the family. This is shown when Mrs. Bennet was embarrassing the family by her transparent attempt to give Jane and Mr. Bingley more time together after every one else had left the ball, and Mr. Bennet did not try to c... ...rests of women are served by being controlled and encouraging the full use of male authority. Though this idea is supported by the characters of her imagination and has no basis in reality, it does further advocate the patriarchal power system. Whether Jane Austen was conscience of this theme is unknown, but even if she did not intend for it to occur, it is no less real. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Austen, Jane. Emma. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Trilling, Lionel. "Mansfield Park". Jane Austen: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ian Watt, ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1963.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cuba in the Cold War Essay -- Bay of Pigs invasion

On April 17, 1961 one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes of the Cold War was made, the attempted invasion of the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The failed invasion happened under the administration of John F. Kennedy and caused the deaths and imprisonment of over 1500 Cuban exiles fighting to over throw the rule of Fidel Castro. The aftermath caused much larger impacts towards United States foreign policy. The invasion made the United States look imperialistic to the rest of the world and allowed the Soviet Union to portray America as an aggressive and hostile country to its neighbors, which in turn allowed the Soviet Union to aid Cuba even more for future affairs. The Bay of Pigs also caused President Kennedy to distrust many of his advisers from the CIA for misinforming him. The CIA led him to believe the invasion would be over quickly and successfully after Kennedy had only been in office for three months. This distrust of his advisers certainly affected how Kennedy acted in future cri ses involving both Cuba and the USSR. This of course leads the question did the Kennedy Administration act appropriately for the Bay of Pigs invasion and how did the outcome affect United States foreign policy with Cuba and USSR? Fidel Castro was a growing issue towards the US. Castro was the communist prime minister of Cuba. He rose to power through the Cuban Revolution in 1953 and ruled Cuba under communist philosophies. Fidel Castro was also threat to the United States national security because of his affiliation with the Soviet Union and his alliance with Nikita Khrushchev. There was rising tensions between the US and Castro's government because American owned oil companies which were operating in Cuban territory refused to produce crude oil for t... ...r, 2011. Walsh, Daniel C. "An Air War With Cuba; The United States Radio Campaign Against Castro." Reference & Research Book News, October 7, 2012. Accessed March 15, 2014. Academic OneFile /Gale (A304010214). Wood, Jeff. "Cuba Missile Crisis." In Disasters, Accidents, and Crises in American History. Accessed February 11, 2014. American History Online (DACH0151). Prados, John. "The Perfect Failure." MHQ: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 3 (Spring 2007): 82-92. Endnotes "Cuban Missile Crisis," in Encyclopedia of American Foreign "Fidel Castro," Hastedt, "Political Aspects of the Bay of Pigs," Kreiser, "JFK: Trials, Triumph and Tragedy," The New York Times "Overview John F. Kennedy," Rasenberger, Brilliant Disaster Walsh, "An Air War With," Wood, "Cuba Missile Crisis," in Disasters, Accidents, and Crises Prados, "The Perfect Failure," [Page #]. â€Æ'

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

News And Newspapers -- essays research papers

News and Newspapers News is simply delineated as â€Å"a report of a recent event; something one has not heard of before†(Websters, 282). Conceding that it is inelaborate in its definition, news is much more intricate as it succumbs to corporate moneymaking ideologies. The corporate essence of news is prevalent in the form of the newspaper â€Å"a paper published periodically for circulating news† that is sold therefore making news a business. In business the saying goes that the customer is always right making news subject to the demands of these consumers. The underlying purpose of news is to â€Å"provide facts upon which decisions are based† (Mencher, 56). Yet this purpose is tainted to accommodate the newspapers need to sell papers. Journalism is the work of gathering news, therefore making the journalist succumb to the corporate needs of the newspaper. The three major newspapers of Toronto (Toronto Sun, Toronto Star and The Globe & Mail) discord in their journalistic techniques for the purpose of selling their produc t. "News is more often made rather than gathered. And it is made on the basis of what the journalist thinks is important or what the journalist thinks the audience thinks is important" (Postman, 14). The Toronto Sun focuses on the audience that yearns for entertainment and adjuts its word selection and choice of articles to accommodate this need for entertainment. The glitz and glamour of today's celebrities provide a fantasy world in which the reader can escape. The Toronto Sun leaves no stone uncovered as it stays on top of celebrity issues to accommodate their audience ‘ the average Joe' with entertainment. â€Å"Michael Jackson's wife gave birth to a baby boy yesterday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center† (T.Sun Feb. 18/97) in the article titled Oh Baby, Jacko to be a dad soon. What makes this article more ominous than any other birth other than that it is entertaining to the star crazed general public? Hundreds Get To Eye Claudia the so called 'superbabe' as she â€Å"breezes her way into The Bay's downtown Yonge St. Store†(T. Sun Feb. 25/97). â€Å"Up to five hundred people waited for up to two hours for a glimpse of the famed beauty and to hear her speak†(T. Sun Feb. 25/97). Imagine how many looked in the Sun for the article. The article choices of the Sun have a direct affiliation to the need for it as a business to p... ...article Hospital's Blood Stock Almost Exhausted contains human interest through its ability to show the community working together â€Å"Although other hospital blood banks were also short of blood, the Toronto Hospital and St. Michael's Hospital agreed to send blood to Sunnybrook by taxi if needed† (T. Star April 2/97). The aspect of community togetherness provokes human interest and complies with the Star's general theme of family. The Globe and Mail article Toronto Desperate For Blood roused human interest thorough community togetherness â€Å"in case the patient required more blood than was on hand the hospital contacted the Red Cross society and two other hospitals to ensure a continued supply." This articles illustration of human interest is moderated through the exclusion of the agreement of the two hospital's to provide more blood even though they were low. Instead the article stuck strictly to the facts that the Globe's readers pay for. Realistically, the sale of newspapers is the primary objective of the journalist illustrated through their use of techniques. Journalistic content and techniques vary according to the audience towards which the newspaper directs its attention.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Black dog of fate Essay

The Book â€Å"Black Dog of Fate† by Peter Balakian is a memoir by the Armenian genocide survivors’ descendants that lived in the United States of America and it was written in the suburbs of Tenafly, New Jersey, where the author grew up. The author tries to relate his personal history and happenings in his family to the general story of the Armenians. It is the story of a young man’s realization of his background and the huge massacres that occurred to the Armenians in Turkey. It is the history of the killing of about one and half million Armenians by the Ottoman Turkish government in 1915 (Balakian, 1997). These series of killings is regarded as the twentieth century’s first genocide. The name ‘Black dog of fate’ is about the parable that was narrated to the author by his grandmother ‘Nafina Aroosian’. In the parable, there were two offerings that were made to the goddess of fate. The first offering is a luscious lamb that had its body filled with almonds and pomegranates and its eyes sparkled with rubies, while the other offering is a dead black dog that had its mouth filled with wormy apple. In a twist of fate, the lamb is rejected and the dead black dog is accepted by the goddess. As Nafina puts it to Peter that he should not be deceived by appearances and that the world is not what people think it is (Balakian, 1997). Peter balakian was one of the members of the Balakian-Aroosian family and the oldest in his generation. His family had secretly guarded the history of their past for so long. They guarded this secret as they had horrific memories of their past in their heads as they knew if they delved into their pasts the gory details of their traumatic experiences in the hands of their persecutors would haunt them. The memory of the brutal murder of lots of their relatives was not a topic that was suitable for discussion as they looked to erase the tragic event from their memories. It narrates the ordeal of the Armenians in the hands of the Turks. The Armenians were subjected to various forms of inhumane conditions. Their ladies were raped and their men were butchered. The Armenians were gruesomely murdered in their thousands day after day and their carcasses were left to the vultures to feast upon. The Turks robbed them off their belongings and really impoverished them. The book exposes the societal evils perpetrated by the Turks on the Armenians. The Turkish government tries to cover up these horrific crimes as they denied the existence of the genocide. Balakian lets us into his family line as we are introduced to the matriarchs, a bishop, merchants, physicians, his aunts and two famous figures in the world of literature. The names of his renowned aunts are Anna and Nona Balakian, who distinguished themselves in the field of literature. His two other aunts are Gladys and Lucille, who were business women on Wall Street. But out of all these characters, the most important of them is his grandmother, one of the survivors of the genocide, whose experience was dreadful as she lost her husband to the genocide. The book teaches us survival instincts in the midst of obstacles and it narrates a family’s sojourn from a horrific past into a better life and a new world. It represents the experience of an immigrant child in the United States of America while still retaining one’s cultural heritage. It tells us how the author’s relatives escaped the genocide and ended up in the United States of America. One of the remarkable quotations in the novel that makes the novel a notable one as recognized by the New York Times Book review is simply quoted â€Å"In all of this germ madness there seemed to be some deeper, more pervasive anxiety being expressed. Some pathological fear that I sensed in my grandmother when she hovered over me, incessantly brushing her hand over my hair and asking me, How are you, what can I do for you, are you OK? Eench, eench, eench. [What, what, what] For my grandparents’ and parents’ generation, perhaps the world was a place conspiring to kill you. After the Genocide, the fear of death was different from the fear of mortality. In this atmosphere of deep anxiety, our family was far from the optimistic mood of suburbia. As my grandmother said to me as I lay on my bed recovering from the measles, ‘Sleep with one eye open; know the evil eye.'† (Balakian, 1997). Another powerful excerpt is in the latter page of the book and it is quoted a s â€Å"Free speech does not guarantee the deniers the right to be treated as the other side of a legitimate debate when there is no other side.† (Balakian, 1997). As the persecutions was against the Armenian Christians by the Turkish Muslims, the holocausts in the World War II era draws inspiration from it as it foreshadowed the mind-sets of the German army. The World War I killings of the millions of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks served as a justification to the holocausts of the World War II era. The holocaust was a period of mass murder of the Jews during the Second World War. During the holocausts, Hitler made several references to the serial killings of the Armenians as he justified their extermination. On the latter part of the book, Peter Balakian observes the mind-set of the German army towards the Armenians which foreshadows the pains they would later inflict on the European Jews in the Second World War (Balakian, 1997). As the Germans considered the Armenians as threats to the Turks so also were the Jews considered as threats to the establishment of the superiority of the Germans. In the concluding pages of the book, Balakian requests for the acceptance by the Turkish government of the Armenian genocide, a fact they had previously denied its existence. He also requests for an apology by the Turkish government and a consequential forgiveness from the Armenians. Reference Balakian, P. (1997). Black Dog of Fate . New York: Harper Collins Publishers.

First Day in School: Growing Out of Dependency Essay

Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick on that. It leaves me with the fabled â€Å"warm and fuzzy feelings†. As a kid who grew up from another country, I had a pleasure of learning different language and culture. I have to learn both Filipino and English. However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the difficult learning that come to mind, instead there are details from everyday doings; a deck of cards, a silver bank or an ice cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day with particular importance. It was my very first day of school. Learning something new can be a scary experience. The first 4 years of my life was spent at home mostly with my parents who were there every step of the way. My day started with a hearty breakfast prepared by Mom, who would patiently cook eggs, fried rice and spam. All of us would rush to the table and get ready for the day’s school or work. After breakfast, I would be the last child left behind with Mom. For 4 full years, my life was comfortable. It consisted of a routine, a structure of dependency which meant I didn’t have to worry about what to wear, when to eat and what time someone was going to give me a bath. It was 4 years built on knowing that my loving parents were there to protect me and my selfless siblings were there as well to pamper me, being the youngest in the family. Then one day, thinking that the morning was going to be how it’s always been, I thought wrong. Mom told me I was going to school. I initially thought, it was going to be fun, to be out of the house and break from the routine for a change. However, as soon as I got to the school in the midst of total strangers, I found my world crumbling. I tugged nervously at Mom and looked at her to say, this was not the place I want to be. She tugged back with confidence and escorted me to my classroom with my new teacher welcoming me with a smile along with the rest of the kids in the room. I remembered crying hard for the first time in my life as if my Mom was abandoning me for the rest of my life. What seemed to be the first 10 minutes felt like an eternity. My first day of school was a realization that my sheltered years of being around my parents and siblings are over. It signaled the day when I realized that my dependency on my family was over. It made me understand that at that very moment, I had to learn to be on my own, make friends with people I barely know and learn to stand up for myself. Before the day was over, it made me realize that there was something to look forward to when school was over. It was scary to be on my own for the first time. However, I found comfort in the fact that Mom would rescue me from the melancholy experience of my first day in school.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Tides: a Poetry Analysis

During the Romantic Period of literature, William Cullen Bryant created the brilliant poem, â€Å"The Tides. † This specific poem is the story of watching the tides change. Most of Bryant’s works are nature-oriented and take advantage of multiple literary terms. â€Å"The Tides† has a significant meaning, several romantic elements, and uses many literary devices. The general interpretation of â€Å"The Tides† is about what occurs when the tides change. Bryant uses great description in characterizing the violent seas at high tide. Norbert Krapf analyzed this poem and described the water becoming mysterious, not still and pond-like. Krapf 6) The poet gives the water violent characteristics. â€Å"His imagination transforms the scene into an image of limitation and imprisonment† (Krapf 7). The poem begins as a calm, serene ocean. Increasingly throughout the story, waters become more violent marking as the change of the tides from low to high. The meani ng of â€Å"The Tides† can also be very deep. As the change to high tide strikes, the sea relieves its stress and releases. Humans go through the exact same thing by relieving stress. Norbert Krapf also writes that â€Å"The Tides† is powerful and the sea yearns for release. (Krapf 7)William Cullen Bryant wrote â€Å"The Tides† during the Romantic Era. Bryant gave this poem many Romantic qualities. Describing the sea before and during high tide sees the attitude of â€Å"longing for the past† While the sea is becoming violent, there is a sense of the waters wanting to become as serene as they were during low tide. The â€Å"love for the natural landscape† is described throughout the entire duration of the poem. The narrator depicts a violent scene of the tides as they change into a beautiful scene of nature. Bryant depicts the beauty of the sea and his appreciation for the ocean.The â€Å"concern for individual freedom† is also a romantic at titude seen in â€Å"The Tides. † The ocean waters are described as imprisoned and wanting to relieve their stress. When the tides officially change, the sea becomes free and releases all of its stress. Many literary terms and devices are observed while reading â€Å"The Tides. † William Cullen Bryant writes this poem starting with iambic pentameter and changes to iambic tetrameter. This poem is also written in ten quatrains. The rhyme scheme ABAB is present in â€Å"The Tides. † Personification is seen many times in this poem such as in stanza eight.Bryant describes the ocean’s water as a prisoner yearning for release. Run-on lines are used throughout the poem. â€Å"And, with a sullen moan, abashed, they creep/ Back into his inner caves† (Lines 23-24) is an example of a run-on line. â€Å"The Tides convey through impressionistic imagery a desire to escape the pull of cosmic forces. † (Muller 254) Imagery is used heavily in this poem. Willi am Cullen Bryant’s use of imagery creates a vivid picture of the tides changing. The tones of this poem are beauty, strength, violence, and serenity.The tides wish for peace and serenity, and therefore yearn for the low tide to come again. This is the theme of â€Å"The Tides. † William Cullen Bryant’s diction is seen by his very descriptive words, his rhyme scheme, and his love for nature’s beauty. The literary devices and themes, romantic elements, and general meaning of William Cullen Bryant’s poem â€Å"The Tides† characterize this time period’s writing style. Bryant creates a beautiful piece of literature that causes the reader to think about the different â€Å"thoughts† of a wave when the tides are changing.The love of nature is a romantic element that is depicted many times in this poem. This gives the poem a very Romantic feeling. The imagery Bryant uses does a brilliant job of giving the reader a depiction of the tide s at its break. â€Å"The Tides† is a beautiful work by Bryant and a perfect example of a Romantic poem. Works Cited Krapf, Norbert. â€Å"William Cullen Bryant’s Roslyn Poems. † Under an Open Sky, Poets on William Cullen Bryant. New York: The Stone House Press, 1986. Muller, Gilbert H. William Cullen Bryant: Author of America. Albany: State University of New York, 2008.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Presentation on the Kimpton Hotel’s Eco-friendly Initiative

The key elements of the Kimpton Hotels Earth Care Program are outlined in its eco-mission statement. These include â€Å"company-wide commitment towards water conservation; reduction of energy usage; reduction of energy usage; elimination of harmful toxins and pollutants; recycling of all reusable waste; building and furnishing hotels with sustainable materials; and purchasing goods and services that directly supports these principles† (Murray and Thomas 2005). It should be noted that all of these elements should be implemented in order to attain the goal of the Earth Care program.However, aside from these direct efforts that the company must engage in, it is also recognize that a key element in embarking in the program is the communication strategy which is used internally and externally. Inside the business organization, it is very essential to align the company’s workforce in this new strategy by letting them know and giving them an active role for the implementation of the program. In the part of the external stakeholders, Kimpton also had to communicate its eco-friendly efforts and their advantages.Is there a `business case` for the Earth Care Program?There is a strong business case for the Earth Care Program. It should be noted that implementing this eco-friendly strategy will benefit Kimpton in the long run. Looking at the current trend in the business environment, it becomes notable that most companies not only in the hotel industry are becoming more and more active in the preservation of the environment by supporting sustainable development efforts and by establishing a â€Å"greener† image.It should be noted that company image is now a more serious issue than the product itself. Consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the influences of a business organization to communities and environment. Also, the Earth Care Program is consistent with the corporate social responsibility effort of Kimpton which is very much importan t in the global business arena nowadays.Can you describe the costs and benefits associated with the Earth Care Program? The Earth Care Program conveys various benefits to Kimpton Hotels. One of the most obvious advantages is the huge potential improvement in the bottom line of the company. The efforts of the company to become more eco-friendly also implies shifting from less energy and resources consuming processes which will definitely push down the level of costs.The company’s effort of eliminating toxic substances will also benefit employees who are handling these chemicals on a daily basis. It should be noted that toxic substances often have detrimental effects to the person handling them and eliminating this can possibly improve the sense of well being of employees and make them more productive. The Earth Care Program also posts opportunities to Kimpton as it will now belong to the list of eco-friendly hotels which are highly preferred by government organizations. In som e ways, customers can perceive the eco-friendly image as a new attraction which can generate more revenue for the company.However, the company also faces the challenges involved in this new strategy. First, the Earth Care Program requires monetary investment which should be financed long before any cost benefit is attained. Kimpton Hotel also needs to align its entire chain with the effort thus necessitating negotiation and giving out the risk of rejection from local managers who feel threatened by the new system. Third, the company needs to pay more for the organic materials which are needed to make hotels eco-friendly. As the case states, these costs are very high compared to the traditional materials.Are there risks to the company with this program?The company is facing a huge risk in implementing the Earth Care Program. First, Kimpton Hotel is not sure whether this program will be perceived by customers as value-adding. Experience of the customers are seen to be indirectly relat ed with the materials or equipments used in delivering services.Since the benefits of the program are not reaped in the short-run, the company also takes in the risk of possible change in consumer taste before cost savings are realized. If in the long run, customers perceive that eco-friendly efforts are not important, then Kimpton runs the risk of not benefiting from its investment. Lastly, the Earth Care Program threatens the autonomy of local branches which can make employees hesitant in implementing changes.What is the weakness of the Kimpton Hotel?The autonomy of the branches of the Kimpton Hotel can be perceived both as a strength and weakness of the organization. On the positive side, the decentralized operation facilitates fast decision making and customization. However, Kimpton Hotel is having difficulty in implementing company-wide strategies because possible rejection from its branches. It should also be noted that as each hotel is unique, integrating them to join the Ear th Care Program is quite hard. The difference in the values of each branch also makes it difficult for them to pursue a single strategy. What might work in a branch might not necessarily have the same effect on another.ReferencesSilverman, M &Thomas, T. 2005, â€Å"Kimpton Hotels: Balancing Strategy and Environmental Sustainability.† San Francisco State University, USA

Friday, September 13, 2019

An e-commerce proposal for a company Case Study

An e-commerce proposal for a company - Case Study Example The human resource of Zorbas Group of Companies amounts today in 1200 individuals. The reason for choosing this company for my project is because it was initiated from a single family bakery business in a small village, and has moved from there to being one of the most successful companies in Cyprus today and I believe with the correct implementation of e-business models will improved the firm's standing in terms of cost reduction and customer satisfaction. The nature of Zorbas business may not require a well organized IT structure but the huge growth of the company the last years, created some room for improvement using the right e-business models-theories. EDI is the abbreviation for Electronic Data Interchange. In accordance with McLure (1996), the technology refers to the exchange of data between electronic medium in a structured manner. EDI, in its true sense, updates data in a real time manner. Classical examples of EDI include: McLure (1996) further states that EDI solely works on real time updates. Its various applications and benefits will be discussed as the proposal is about its application to the company under consideration. Primary research was conducted by means of informal conversation-cum-interviews with the senior management, and also various employees who are directly influenced by this process which is to be improved under this proposal. Secondary research was conducted by means of searching articles, journals, textbooks, and other literary resources present both online and in physical libraries. 2.2 Justification of the Methods used This report does not need loads of primary research, other than understanding the processes and their workings, because the major aim underlying herewith is that the right solution is to be proposed and presented, and by right, it implies the solution being feasible, suitable and acceptable to the management and the stakeholders. 2.3 Problems Encountered The major problem encountered here was the lack of documentation available at the company that could define the codes and mechanisms of communication and coordination between the production, distribution and sales units. Therefore, the data gathered can be anticipated to involve biasness from the company personnel who were the respondents. Absence of documentation also leads to the issue that the respondent bias cannot be eliminated, nor reduced. 2.4 Alternative Methods The concerned departments have been very busy to provide formal and informal information pertinent to the communication processes and procedures. However, there

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Young womens beleifs regarding human papillomavirus Research Paper

Young womens beleifs regarding human papillomavirus - Research Paper Example The descriptive research utilized a cross-sectional, survey design and included participants from four women’s health clinics and one university classroom. Three hundred and two women between ages 18–24 who could read and write English participated in two surveys. A health and demographic information questionnaire to collect the age, ethnicity, history of STD testing and/or HPV diagnosis, education level, race and relationship status details and a second questionnaire based on Representations of STDs (RoSTD) to survey the women’s beliefs of HPV were issued. The participants also completed a single item evaluating beliefs about the association between HPV and cancer. This research has four major limitations. First, the study employed a cross-sectional research design, limiting the ability to find out causation. Second, the study used self-report data where participants might have biased their responses to establish social desirableness. Third, one half of the participants pointed they were seriously involved in a romantic relationship, a factor that is highly subjective and lacks the ability to directly measure sexual risk behavior. Fourth, the participants were highly literate, largely White, and limited to certain geographic locations, minimizing the ability to generalize findings to other ethnic, racial, geographical, and educational groups. The findings of the study indicate that young women tend to misconceive the cause, symptoms, and chronic nature of HPV and also have negative impressions about the impact HPV diagnosis has on intimate relationships and mental health. Women who had never received STD testing or not diagnosed with HPV have more accurate and less severe representations about HPV when compared with young women with a record of STD testing or HPV diagnosis. Assessing women’s impressions about HPV enables the development of treatment methods centered on patient needs and also enhances HPV management in individuals diagnosed

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Joseph addai Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joseph addai - Research Paper Example He was named an All-American by ESPN and Fox Sports, and was rated as a top 100 recruit. Addai graduated from high school and moved into increasing opportunities at Louisiana State University. During his tenure with the Louisiana State University Tigers, he ranked fifth all-time in rushing, with 2,577 yards, despite being primarily used as a blocking fullback early in his career. He wore two numbers while at LSU, 41 in his early years and then number 10 in his final years. Addai started his stint at LSU in 2001, but after only two games was granted a medical red shirt. The following season, he carried the football 80 times, gaining 438 yards, and scoring four touchdowns. His first big game came against the University of South Carolina, during which he gained 98 yards on eleven carries and scored two touchdowns. On November 9, 2002, he amassed 91 yards, including a 63 yard run for a score, against the Kentucky Wildcats at Common wealth stadium. His performance helped to set the stage for The Bluegrass Miracle, a "miraculous" 74-yard game-winning touchdown pass from quarterback Marcus Randall to wide receiver Devery Henderson as time expired on the last play of the game. (Cited from Addai's sophomore season proved to be a banner year for LSU. Led by coach Nick Saban the Tigers won the BCS National Championship, the first national championship for LSU since 1958. Addai ranked second to freshman Justin Vincent in rushing, gaining 520 yards on 114 attempts. He led LSU's early season 59-13 rout of the Arizona Wildcats with an 86 yard, two touchdown performances. In 2004, he rushed for 680 yards on 101 carries and caught 24 passes for 294 yards, scoring a total of seven touchdowns. He stood out against the Alabama Crimson Tribe in a 26-10 Tiger Stadium victory on the13th of November. He led the team in rushing with 99 yards and added another 46 yards receiving, as well as scoring two of the three Tiger touchdowns. for the day. The following week he team ed with Alley Broussard (250 yards on 26 carries) to lead the Tigers to a 27-24 victory over the Ole Miss Rebels. Addai's 107 yards was part of an impressive 360 yard ground attack by the Tigers. During his senior season, Addai led the team with 911 rushing yards on 187 carries, scoring nine touchdowns. The highlight of the regular season was a 21-17 victory over the Florida Gators in front of a record-setting 92,402 crowd. Addai sealed the victory for LSU with a three yard touchdown run with 6:27 remaining on the clock. His career-best effort combined 156 yards rushing on 32 carries with 37 yards receiving on 3 catches. Joe Addai completed his tenure at LSU with an impressive game in the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl. In the Tigers' 40-3 victory over the Miami Hurricanes, he gained a total of 135 yards and scored twice. Joseph Addai graduated from LSU in December 2005 with a degree in General Studies. Things aren’t supposed to be easy for an NFL rookie, but it’s hard to argu e that Joseph Addai’s first year was a breeze. Selected in the first round of the 2006 NFL draft by the Indianapolis Colts, Addai finished with 1,081 yards on 226 carries and seven rushing touchdowns while sharing the backfield with veteran Dominic Rhodes. He also caught 40 passes in the Colts’ pass-happy offense and averaged 8.1 yards per catch. (Cited from Addai’s regular season performance carried into the postseason where he gained 217

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legal Counsel Exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Counsel Exercise - Assignment Example This he can do whether or not the organization, person or state can be linked to any specific terrorist incidents. He will justify his actions by arguing that, being the Commander-in-chief of the U.S armed force, the constitutions vets him with the authority to use military force in response to emergencies caused by unforeseen, sudden terrorist attacks on citizens, properties or the U.S territory. In certain circumstances, the U.S government transfers foreign detainees suspected of terrorism acts to foreign states where they believe international legal or foreign safeguards do not apply for detention, questioning and interrogation. If your soldiers are detained, they might be transferred to U.S detention facilities are outside the American sovereign authority. They will be interrogated using methods and tactics that are not acceptable according to both international and federal standards. This process I usually referred to as extraordinary rendition. Does the U.S public policy allow for such a practice? No! It does not, but it is still practiced in certain circumstances. Extraordinary rendition or rendition is deemed to be illegal. This is a view shared by the U.S President, Congress, Justice Department and the United Nations. If your soldiers are taken to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, even if they are non-U.S citizens, the Supreme Court in 2004 ruled that, they have the right to challenge the U.S. government in regards to the state of their detention. This can be done within the U.S federal court system. Military tribunals or commissions are a form of military courts that are meant to try enemy forces during war times. They operate outside the scope of normal civil and criminal courts. Their judges are usually military officials who perform the roles of the jurors and are very different from court Martials. The United States have used military tribunal in the past during the reign of President Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt. In 2001, President Bush tried to form milita ry tribunal to try army detainees from Afghanistan. His attempt was met with very stiff opposition. The Supreme Court declared that they did not conform to the standards of the Geneva Convention. Currently, the U.S government is not using military tribunals. The U.S government has for a longtime been spying on its citizens. ‘Operation Chaos’ established in 1967 is a perfect evidence of the U.S spying on its citizen. This operation was established to spy on American citizens who objected the Vietnam War. Agencies involved in spying activities include the CIA, NSA and the Pentagon. It is not only unlawful for the military to participate in domestic spying activities, but the whole activity by government agencies such as the NSA spying on the U.S citizens is unlawful. It is not lawful for you to attack the United States first even if you believe they are going to attack you. You must have viable reasons to warrant lawful attacks against the U.S. If you decide to proceed an d attack them on the basis of your belief that they are going to attack you, your actions will be deemed to be acts of terrorism. Therefore, I would advise that you reconsider and clearly revaluate your reasons for wanting to attack the U.S. The United States has a constitution. This is the supreme law of the United States of America and all persons are accountable under it. All the other laws are derived from the Constitution. Whenever

Monday, September 9, 2019

Movies and TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Movies and TV - Essay Example Through complex and often contradictory signs, this episode shows that people cannot change their economic, political, cultural, religious, social, and gender conditions, because they subscribe to implied stereotyped myths that simplify their lives and renders complex issues of degraded humanity and declining culture as invisible. The episode depicts the complicated signs of myths in direct and indirect manners, especially those pertaining to teaching and religious signs. People accept myths, where they are â€Å"more than true† (Seger 347). Myths â€Å"connect and speak† with many people. One of the myths in the Simpson’s episode is the myth of a great teacher (Moore 404). This myth argues that a funny and creative teacher can change his/her students’ lackadaisical attitudes and behaviors toward learning and life (Moore 404). Lisa’s teacher aims to change them to model students, but in a bad way, because she has been recruited by the Movementarian sect already. The â€Å"sign† in the episode can also be indirect and contains conflicts, because Lisa struggles with her grade-sensitive personality and the need to assert her independence against social brainwashing tactics. When she falls into the brainwashing of society, the episode underscores the futility of fighting powerful institutions. Myths are better, because they make life simple and easier to understand. Another myth being dismantled in this episode is the myth of faith in God. The episode shows signs that directly attack sects like the Movementarian that takes advantage of the weak-willed and weak-minded. It, however, draws parallel with the Catholic Church, because the latter also takes money from its members in form of donation and promotes â€Å"truths† about life and how it should be lived. The Church also uses seemingly hypnotizing, repetitive chants. The main argument of this episode is that God has been turned into a lucrative business. The hero s ymbol is also present when people idolize God, because â€Å"glamour is always vulnerable to those who love it† (Postrel 354). People want a savior, someone who is more than themselves and yet seemingly similar to themselves. The episode cautions people who easily fall into the trap of blind faith, such as when people do not even check who that man waving inside the Rolls Royce car is and if there actually is a spaceship inside the barn. With the myth of faith and the superhuman God, people are lambs that can be led astray to their misfortune and death. The Simpsons also perpetuates and questions gender roles and stereotypes. Neuhaus argues that The Simpsons presents a comparatively placid appraisal of domestic gender roles (762). On the one hand, it â€Å"playfully and humorously questions the function of the nuclear family in American society† (Neuhaus 762). Marge always forgives Homer, no matter how insensitive and irresponsible he can be as a husband and father. On the other hand, the episode also imbibes the â€Å"centrality of female domesticity to the very definition of ‘a family’ † (Neuhaus 762). Marge follows her husband’s decision, although she feels wary about it. She is still under the male grasp. The episode, however, portrays a conflicting role, when Marge escapes the Movementarian’s community and seeks help from Reverend Timothy Lovejoy. She and the Reverend save Homer

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Denver Art Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Denver Art Museum - Essay Example In the year 1918 the name was finally changed to Denver art museum and several galleries were moved to the museum. In the year 1954 the first wing called the Morgon Wing was built. The museum offers well over 1000 pieces of African art and in addition to this there are several exquisite pieces of Asian art too. This museum is run by Non-profit organization, this is separate from the state of Denver, it is primarily run on the sales tax collected and it also gets donations. These two things form the base of its existence. "Founded in 1893, this seven-story museum has two distinct buildings. The main 1972 building, designed by Gio Ponti, is wrapped by a thin 28-sided wall faced with 1 million sparkling tiles. The second, a jagged, avant-garde addition, designed by renowned architect Daniel Libeskind, opened in fall 2006, doubling the size of the museum and giving Denver a unique architectural highlight in the process." (Denver Art Museum) There are special tours that the museum offers; From Tuesday to Saturday the visitors can have a good look at the collection in the museum. There are various gifts shops also in the museum.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Social Web and Security Risks on People's Information Essay

The Social Web and Security Risks on People's Information - Essay Example Indeed, those kinds of risks exist for both individuals and organizations—two kinds of entities that are both increasingly using social media as a way of communicate with others. Throughout this paper, the analysis of risks of social web will incorporate both individual users who may use social media casually to communicate with a particular circle of people, and organizations that may use social media to market their products and services to the public. Neither class is immune to the challenges that we all face when using social media to keep information private, since the process of making information public is irreversible. According to Pew Research (2011), the percentages of individuals using social networking sites, especially within the 18 to 29 age bracket, has skyrocketed since 2005 (Figure 1.). Similar sorts of trends can be observed in the 30 to 49 and 50 to 64 age brackets, although the sharpness of that curve is more subdued. Over half of people in all three of tho se age brackets, however, are using social networking websites, and roughly one-third of people 65 or older are using social networking websites. Considering the prevalence of social media in our 21st century reality, it is necessary to slow down and to give some thought to the drawbacks of this technology, in addition to its benefits. When discussing either drawbacks or benefits, one should keep in mind these rising statistics about usage. Social networking becomes more valuable as people join and connect, which means social media has a great deal of staying power. Figure 1. Social networking usage by age. Pew Research (2011). Figure 2. Communication methods used to engage employees. McCasland (2009). Clearly, social media is having a large-scale impact on how individuals communicate with others. However, organizations are increasingly utilizing social media. In fact, 21st century organizations consider social media as an important tool of marketing. In addition, social media has o ther uses, including to engage employees and to foster productivity (Figure 2.). As was mentioned previously, what is unique to the new phenomenon of social networking is that information uploaded to such websites is there permanently. In times of interpersonal networking without the internet, oral communication carried information from person to person. Oral communication is temporary and sometimes forgotten. However, in the 21st century, there is a public record of information that at some points in history individuals never would have thought to share with others. With such permanence to information, it is possible for undesirable consequences to come about by sharing. Sometimes these negative consequences are defined by a malicious intent, while at other times, these consequences are accidental. For instance, in organizations, blocking Facebook is not only a matter of preventing malware from entering company computers or keeping employees productive—it is also about posit ively representing the company to the public, which a Facebook profile essentially is (Cluley, 2010). Individuals sometimes forget that, like organizations, they have a public online presence that can be damaged by sharing their information in a public space. However, in spite of those potential threats, organization and individuals are still using the social web at miraculous rates. The primary benefit of social media is the connections that it